Risk Management Reference List

1. Poplin GS, Harris RB, Pollack KM, Peate WF, Burgess JL. Beyond the fireground: injuries in the fire service. Inj Prev. 2012;18(4):228-33. doi:10.1136/injuryprev-2011-040149.

2. Fahy RF, LeBlanc PR, Molis JL. Firefighter Fatalities in the United States - 2015. Quincy, MA: NFPA2016 June 2016.

3. Haynes HJ, Molis JL. U.S. Firefighter Injuries - 2014. Quincy, MA: NFPA2015 November 2015 Contract No.: NFPA No. FFI10.

4. Becker LR, Zaloshnja E, Levick N, Li G, Miller TR. Relative risk of injury and death in ambulances and other emergency vehicles. Accid Anal Prev. 2003;35(6):941-8.

5. Donoughe K, Whitestone J, Gabler HC. Analysis of firetruck crashes and associated firefighter injuries in the United States. Annals of advances in automotive medicine / Annual Scientific Conference  Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine Scientific Conference. 2012;56:69-76.

6. Maguire BJ, Hunting KL, Smith GS, Levick NR. Occupational fatalities in emergency medical services: A hidden crisis. Ann Emerg Med. 2002;40(6):625-32. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1067/mem.2002.128681.

7. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. Motor vehicle crash injury costs topped $18 billion in 2012. JAMA. 2015;313(1):21-. doi:10.1001/jama.2014.16911.

8. Givot D. $117M awarded to LA woman hurt in ambulance crash while pregnant. EMS1.com. 2012. https://www.ems1.com/ambulances-emergency-vehicles/articles/1337902--117M-crash-lawsuit-A-dose-of-reality/. Accessed 4/9/2017 22017.

9. Joy J. Occupational safety risk management in Australian mining. Occup Med (Lond). 2004;54(5):311-5. doi:10.1093/occmed/kqh074.

10. Komljenovic D, Kecojevic V. Risk management programme for occupational safety and health in surface mining operations. International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management. 2007;7(5):620-38. doi:doi:10.1504/IJRAM.2007.014090.

11. International Organization for Standardization. Risk Management - Principles and guidelines (ISO 31000). Geneva, Switzerland: International Organization for Standardization2009.

12. Poplin GS, Miller HB, Ranger-Moore J, Bofinger CM, Kurzius-Spencer M, Harris RB et al. International evaluation of injury rates in coal mining: A comparison of risk and compliance-based regulatory approaches. Safety Science. 2008;46(8):1196-204. doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2007.06.025.

13. Burgess J, Duncan M, Mallett J, LaFleur B, Littau S, Shiwaku K. International Comparison of Fire Department Injuries. Fire Technol. 2014;50(5):1043-59. doi:10.1007/s10694-013-0340-y.

14. Poplin GS, Pollack KM, Griffin S, Day-Nash V, Peate WF, Nied E et al. Establishing a proactive safety and health risk management system in the fire service. BMC Public Health. 2015;15(1):1-12. doi:10.1186/s12889-015-1675-8.

15. Griffin SC, Regan TL, Harber P, Lutz EA, Hu CC, Peate WF et al. Evaluation of a fitness intervention for new firefighters: injury reduction and economic benefits. Inj Prev. 2016;22(3):181-8. doi:10.1136/injuryprev-2015-041785.

16. Trench N, Wieder MA, Janing J, Parker C, Robinson C. Emergency Vehicle Safety Initiative. United States Fire Administration 2014. p. 1-160.

17. Custalow CB, Gravitz CS. Emergency medical vehicle collisions and potential for preventive intervention. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2004;8(2):175-84.

18. Savoleinen PT, Dey KC, Ghosh I, Karra TL, Lamb A. Investigation of Emergency Vehicle Crashes in the State of Michigan. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University2009 October 15, 2009.

19. Kidd DG, Hagoski BK, Tucker TG, Chiang DP. The Effectiveness of a Rearview Camera and Parking Sensor System Alone and Combined for Preventing a Collision With an Unexpected Stationary or Moving Object. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. 2014. doi:10.1177/0018720814553028.

20. Hurwitz DS, Pradhan A, Fisher DL, Knodler MA, Muttart JW, Menon R et al. Backing collisions: a study of drivers’ eye and backing behaviour using combined rear-view camera and sensor systems. Injury prevention : journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention. 2010;16(2):79-84. doi:10.1136/ip.2009.021535.

21. Clarke DD, Ward P, Bartle C, Truman W. Work-related road traffic collisions in the UK. Accid Anal Prev. 2009;41(2):345-51. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2008.12.013.

22. Ray AM, Kupas DF. Comparison of rural and urban ambulance crashes in Pennsylvania. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2007;11(4):416-20. doi:10.1080/10903120701536966.

23. Dreyer D, Janke M. The effects of range versus nonrange driver training on the accident and conviction frequencies of young drivers. Accid Anal Prev. 1979;11(3):179-98. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0001-4575(79)90003-4.

24. Haynes HJ, Stein GP. U.S. Fire Department Profile - 2014. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association2016 Contract No.: No. USS07-REV.

25. Anthony Cox L. What's Wrong with Risk Matrices? Risk Anal. 2008;28(2):497-512. doi:10.1111/j.1539-6924.2008.01030.x.

26. McKnight A, Peck R, Foss R. Graduated driver licensing: what works? Inj Prev. 2002;8(Suppl 2):ii32-ii8. doi:10.1136/ip.8.suppl_2.ii32.

27. Fell JC, Jones K, Romano E, Voas R. An Evaluation of Graduated Driver Licensing Effects on Fatal Crash Involvements of Young Drivers in the United States. Traffic injury prevention. 2011;12(5):423-31. doi:10.1080/15389588.2011.588296.

28. Peck RC. Do driver training programs reduce crashes and traffic violations? — A critical examination of the literature. IATSS Research. 2011;34(2):63-71. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.iatssr.2011.01.001.

29. Ker K, Roberts I, Collier T, Renton F, Bunn F. Post-licence driver education for the prevention of road traffic crashes. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2003(3):Cd003734. doi:10.1002/14651858.cd003734.

30. Masten SV, Peck RC. Problem driver remediation: a meta-analysis of the driver improvement literature. Journal of safety research. 2004;35(4):403-25. doi:10.1016/j.jsr.2004.06.002.

31. Ker K, Roberts I, Collier T, Beyer F, Bunn F, Frost C. Post-licence driver education for the prevention of road traffic crashes: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Accid Anal Prev. 2005;37(2):305-13. doi:10.1016/j.aap.2004.09.004.

32. Brooks JO, Goodenough RR, Crisler MC, Klein ND, Alley RL, Koon BL et al. Simulator sickness during driving simulation studies. Accid Anal Prev. 2010;42(3):788-96. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2009.04.013.